PO Box 91, 402 Elmore Street, Lecompton, KS 66050 | lecomptonumc@gmail.com
A lot of good work and service has been done over the years at Lecompton United Methodist Church, but not everyone involved knew exactly why it was being done. Why we do what we do is one of the most important questions we are faced with as a church. Over the past several months we have been exploring our purpose as a church, asking the important question, 'what is God's mission for us as a body of faith?' This mission statement, strategy and vision statement solidifies that purpose and, hopefully, answers the question of 'why?'. This is why LUMC exists: 'To make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world'. (B-t-w, this is also the mission statement of the United Methodist Church as a whole). What follows is the strategy to engage in that mission and the vision we have as a church for the world when that mission is completed.
Blessings on our heads!
Welcome to beautiful, historic Lecompton UMC. We are located in the former Territorial Capitol of Kansas, and share our rich history with our community. We are a family-centered church with weekly worship for all age groups.
Fun, vibrant worship services filled with lots of enthusiasm, great music with the multi-generational choir, all accompanied by music played on our fully restored, antique 1888 Chickering Grand Piano. We have a great time in our worship, and hope you can join us soon.
Church can happen anywhere. It happens when we create learning opportunities that transform lives. It happens when we create safe environments where children can play and learn. It happens when education makes the path to citizenship a little easier. And when our sacrifices help nourish students’ minds and bodies. That’s putting beliefs into action.
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To make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.